Before you start shopping for doors for your home, brushing up on the parts of a door can help avoid confusion and make you more knowledgeable about what to look for. This blog will go over the main parts of a door jamb and how to tell if yours needs to be repaired.
Your door jambs make up your door frame. The head jamb (#1) is the top portion of your door frame, the strike jamb is the side where the locking mechanism is located (#2) and the hinge jamb is the opposite vertical side where the hinges are installed (#3). Exterior door frames are typically made of wood, aluminum, fiberglass or composite material.
A head jamb is the top horizontal portion of the door or window frame. The window sash is placed directly below it.
A mullion is when two individual windows or door and window are joined together. The seam between the frames makes up the mullion, which is also called the mull for short.
The door frame itself is made up of door jambs. The two sides are vertical jambs, while a head jamb can be found at the top of the frame. Combined, these door jambs (along with a mullion) make a door frame.
A broken or damaged door jamb can make it difficult or impossible to open and close your door properly, so it’s important to keep them in tip-top shape. With that in mind, let’s talk about how to identify and fix a damaged one.
Sometimes a broken or damaged door jamb is easy to spot; maybe a part is visibly loose or has fallen off altogether. While those are reasons enough to replace a door jamb, there are other signs that may fly under your radar.
Here are two more signs that your door jamb needs to be repaired or replaced:
Yes, door jamb repair kits are available at most home improvement stores and online. They contain door jamb pieces that are pre-cut to the most common lengths and widths, allowing you to quickly and easily repair or replace damaged parts of your door jamb without having to replace the entire thing. You can also find jamb patch kits to repair small portions of your jamb.
Removing your door frame is not a project we recommend tackling. It requires removing your door, carefully removing caulking, prying the frame away from your wall and then replacing everything so it fits square and plumb in the opening. An imperfect job on any step may damage your home or leave you with a door that doesn’t work quite the way it should.
If you’re replacing your door or your jamb, we always recommend leaving the job to the professionals.
The best way to avoid door jamb repairs or replacement? Maintenance! Most door jambs aren’t high maintenance, but there are a few things you can do to keep them in great condition:
If your home’s exterior doors have seen better days, we’re here to help! At Window World of Muscle Shoals, we offer a variety of entry doors and professional installation to make improving your home easier than ever. Get started by requesting your free consultation or by giving us a call at (256) 383-8894.